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Hey, listen!


I'm Sean Buck, and I'm an Environment Artist.

Games and gaming have always been a central part of my life, whether it be spending time with family, bonding with friends, or duking it out over the internet with randomly selected opponents. Working on them and building the worlds that help people escape to another place and time and go on adventures they could never have dreamed of, has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I've been incredibly fortunate in getting to follow that passion as a career, but for me, it doesn't stop there. When I'm not forging incredible places, or defeating big bads, I'm writing stories, building worlds with words for both novels and table top RPG's. 

Exploring worlds “in the real” is something I continually strive for as well. Ever since living in China, I've been in love with traveling to new places. Photography has played no small part in my desire for visiting new lands, and I've been constantly improving that hobby along the way.

I'm always excited to learn new things, meet new people, and work with awesome teams to build new worlds.

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